Increase of 4.95% likely on Conwy Council Tax bills

The Leader of Conwy County Council has presented the latest information on the 2020/21 Budget to Cabinet colleagues, in preparation for the final decision by Council next week.

Cabinet Members were reminded about the duty and responsibility to set a balanced budget that allows services to respond to the service demands they face.

Cllr Sam Rowlands said, "The Revenue Budget is one of the most important considerations that we make during the course of the Council’s year.

"The planning for 2020/21 has been especially difficult due to the timing of the provisional settlement and how late in the day the final settlement will be made available to us.

“The majority of our budget goes to schools and social care and we need to ensure we can deliver the best possible services for these groups in the current, challenging financial climate.”

“I’m pleased that we’ve been able to recommend to next week’s Council meeting a lesser Council Tax increase of 4.95%. Clearly we must consider all the pressures and demands on council services when setting the budget and council tax.”

The recommendation put forward by Scrutiny Committee and Cabinet on Thursday will be presented to Council on 5 March for the final decision.