Learning disability and jobs: Tell firms what needs to change

The North Wales Learning Disability Transformation Team are helping the 6 local councils and Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board to co-produce an employment strategy for people with learning disabilities living in North Wales.
Many people with learning disabilities have told the transformation team that having a job is important to them but that it can be very difficult for them to find employment. The plan will set out what needs to change across North Wales to make it easier for people with learning disabilities to find paid employment.
During the week beginning the 18th of October, the steering group for the employment strategy will be running a number of sessions for people with learning disabilities, their families and/or carers. They want to give people as many options as possible to tell them what they think needs to change.
The team will be holding face to face sessions at venues across North Wales including at the Old Colwyn Community Centre on Friday 22nd October from 10-11am where the theme for discussion will be "Big Employers - Making it easier for people to work for them".

If you would like to attend please register by emailing the team at Learning.Disability.Transformation@flintshire.gov.uk or ask someone to help you do this.

Kim Killow, Planning and Development Officer explained how important it is to tell friends and family about the Old Colwyn session. "We need your help to spread the word! Please let people with learning disabilities, families and/or carers know about the session and how to register or join."