Most North Wales areas report new cases of COVID-19

There have been no new COVID-19 related deaths in Wales in the past 24 hours. However the latest Public Health Wales update shows 15 new cases of the virus.

Most North Wales local authority areas have reported cases with the exception of Anglesey and Flintshire. Conwy has 2 new cases with one case each in Denbighshire, Gwynedd and Wrexham.

Dr Giri Shankar, Incident Director for the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak response at Public Health Wales, said: “Public Health Wales congratulates students who are receiving their A Level results today, and would ask them to celebrate safely, observing social distancing measures, to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

“Advice on travelling abroad, including the latest information on quarantine requirements on returning home, can be found on the FCO website.

“Public Health Wales supports the recent announcement of the four UK Chief Medical Officers to extend the self-isolation period from seven to 10 days for those in the community who have symptoms or a positive test result. This will help provide additional protection to others in the community.

"Anyone with suspected symptoms of COVID-19 infection - a high temperature, a new, continuous cough, or a loss of smell or taste (anosmia) - must self-isolate and seek an urgent test.

"Confirmed cases must now isolate for 10 days, with members of their household isolating for 14 days until the risk of passing on further infection has gone. Combined, these simple but effective actions will ensure the virus does not spread.