Research on BAME representation in public life

Do you identify as BAME? Are you 18+ and living in Wales? Then Race Alliance Wales would like to hear from you.

They are leading peer research on the theme of BAME Representation in Public and Political Life.

They would to further understand what BAME people living in Wales think, feel, and perceive about the people and institutions that run this country, that have the power to make decisions that impact on our lives, and the lives of future generations.

Contributions will form the basis of key actions and recommendations that will be used to lobby for social and political change in Wales.

To take part in the survey, please click on this link. The closing day for responses is Monday 24th August at 5pm.

Race Alliance Wales is a collaborative platform which aims to bring together individuals and organisations interested in achieving race equality in Wales. 

The organisation's vision, through collaborative work, is to contribute to a more equal, cohesive and globally responsible Wales. Making Wales a welcoming place of safety where rights are enjoyed and BAME people can thrive.