Supporting the hidden problem of male domestic abuse

For nearly 20 years the Mankind Initiative has been supporting male victims escape from domestic abuse. They give male victims a voice by working with police forces and other organisations by supporting them with their communication campaigns. 

The charity support male victims directly through their popular website as well as an anonymous national helpline (which includes contact from victims’ mothers and sisters) which gives men a listening, information and signposting service.

Covid-19 has seen calls increase by 35% and site visitors by 150%. Of those that call, for 60% it is the first time they have told anyone and 70% only call because the helpline is anonymous. The website is also a repository for statistics and research into male victims.

Chairman for Mankind Mark Brooks says “The main issues men face, is that they don’t understand that what they are going through is domestic abuse.  This is why it is important that services don’t disregard men in their awareness campaigns.

"Men don’t often know that there are specialist services for them and for many they fear they will not be believed when they do go. This is what we have to get across in these awareness campaigns. We advise men who are in this situation call us”.

Strategic Domestic Abuse Officer PC Mike Taggart at North Wales Police said “I think it’s important that we don’t forget that men too can be victims of domestic abuse and we need to ensure that platforms to support men are equally and readily available, we urge any men who feel that they are being subjected to Domestic Abuse to call Mankind on the information below if they feel they want emotional support, but if they wish to report domestic abuse, to contact us on 101 or 999 in an emergency.”

The helpline can be contacted on 01823 334244 and is available 10am-4pm Monday to Friday.

For information into the services they provide visit

They also have specific information for male victims of domestic abuse and Covid 19 on their website.