Colwyn's Power of Song: Virtual Uke-A-Bay!

June 10, 2020 - 2248 views

If you've been listening to us over the past few weeks, we have been celebrating Colwyn Through The Power of Song and the healing nature of music to make us feel a little better about things as we remain in lockdown across the Bay.

Earlier today I caught up with Paul Richards who along with Lucy, run the world-famous Uke-A-Bay event.

Sadly once again the coronavirus pandemic has meant the cancellation of this year's event which was due to feature the amazing Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain.

However not all is lost and with the help of the community, Paul and Lucy fully intend to hold a 'virtual' Uke-A-Bay concert on their website using video, audio and clips which they hope you can help contribute.

The aim is to try and get this up and running for August and also to try and raise some money for our Welsh Mountain Zoo in the process.

I had a good chat with Paul about the history of the event, the ambition of the virtual Uke-A-Bay and we enjoyed three 2019 performances to lift our spirits from the Mersey Belles and Beau, The Secret Ukulele Band and Young At Heart.

If you visit the Uke-A-Bay website at the moment there's not much to see whilst they prepare for August. But if you would like to be part of the Virtual Uke-A-Bay, you can drop them a line via ukeabay19@gmail.com.

Alternatively visit their Facebook page here or their YouTube channel here.
