Iron Harbour: A digital story by Luke Franklin (Part 6)


Part 6

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It had been several days since Alucard had arrived in Iron Harbour. Upon his initial arrival, Alucard did not know what to expect or how he would be treated. The altercation he experienced at The Old Fox Inn on his very first night was nothing new to him; he always found himself in all sorts of trouble, whether by his own actions or not.

Alucard was seriously enjoying his time within this small little town, the people of Iron harbour always greeted him with a smile and asked for his well being, a rare treat indeed for Alucard, normally people would avoid him and blame him for their problems and curse his kind. The hunters of old might have long disappeared, but people still held them responsible for causing immense pain and suffering. They attributed to them the creatures of the night and all sorts of horrors that infested the world itself. However, the truth was that these horrors had existed long before mankind, and they would likely persist long after mankind's time. People, however, simply needed someone to blame.

Alucard had spent most of his time with Alaric down within the morgue. Alaric wanted to help Alucard with his investigation as much as he could, he also did not mind the extra company. Alaric had to dismiss his apprentice who had been shadowing him for quite some time; he found him a bit of a clumsy and disorganised man. When it comes to keeping all of the records up to date and in order.

Alucard spent most of his time in the morgue with Alaric going over old records of past killings and if anything else could have been overlooked or linked in some way. Alucard was also helping Alaric with his backlog of work, as it started to pile up and Alaric started to feel very overwhelmed and he did not want it to affect the outcome of his work and let the loved ones of the victims down for his mistakes.

Despite Alucard's apparent reluctance to embrace the label of "friend," Alaric found himself inexplicably drawn to Alucard's enigmatic presence. Alaric, typically a reserved individual who kept his interactions with others to a minimum, had always been content in the solitude of his work. Although the townsfolk had tried on numerous occasions to coax him out for social outings, Alaric had consistently declined, often citing prior commitments. But Alucard was a different story altogether.

In Alucard's company, Alaric discovered an unexpected ease, a sense of camaraderie that transcended their distinct backgrounds. The topics of conversation ranged from the intricacies of the cases they were analysing to the most trivial of matters, and yet every exchange carried a distinct comfort. Alaric found himself looking forward to Alucard's visits, a sentiment he hadn't anticipated feeling for anyone outside the realm of his professional obligations.

The Morgue and fallen silent as both Alucard and Alaric were working in the cold poorly lit room, but none of them seemed to mind, Alaric sat at his desk, surrounded by stacks of files and folders that held the stories of lives cut short. His pen moved with a deliberate grace, etching notes onto the paper as he meticulously documented their findings from the recent autopsy. His gaze would occasionally drift to a photograph propped up on the corner of his desk – a poignant reminder of the lives behind the cases. Alucard, though unobtrusive, had noticed this ritual. He couldn't help but be intrigued by the significance of the photograph.

Two young faces smiled back at Alaric from the photo frame, frozen in a moment of joy and camaraderie. Alucard's curiosity stirred, but he hesitated to inquire. He understood that some topics were veiled in personal sentiment, and he didn't wish to impose on Alaric's privacy or bring up painful memories.

Alaric's quiet routine of glancing at the photograph told a story of its own. Alucard could sense the depth of emotion behind those stolen moments – perhaps a connection to the lives lost, a sense of responsibility for the lives he could not save. He wondered if these faces held a connection to one of the cases they were working on, a connection that might have fueled Alaric's relentless pursuit of justice.

As Alucard continued to sift through records and offer his insights, he found himself thinking about the photograph more often than he expected. There was a mystery there, a narrative beneath the surface that he yearned to uncover. Yet, his respect for Alaric's boundaries held him back, reminding him that some stories were best shared when the heart was ready.

Alaric's voice broke through the stillness, catching Alucard off guard. He looked up from the records he was reviewing, meeting Alaric's gaze. There was an openness in Alaric's eyes that indicated he had been observant of Alucard's curiosity toward the photograph on his desk.

A faint flush tinged Alucard's features, a rare moment of vulnerability that betrayed his surprise and embarrassment. He hadn't expected his subtle glances to be noticed, assuming he had been discreet enough to avoid detection. It was a humbling reminder that Alaric possessed a perceptive awareness that went beyond their work together.

Alaric's ability to pick up on the unspoken and subtle dynamics between them was both intriguing and disarming. Alucard offered a half-smile, a mixture of sheepishness and amusement. "You have quite the sharp eye, Alaric. I suppose I was more transparent than I realised."

Alaric's lips curved into a gentle smile, a flicker of warmth in the cool morgue air. "You needn't be embarrassed, Alucard. That photograph holds a story, one I'd be willing to share with you if you're curious."

The offer caught Alucard off guard, his surprise evident in the arched brow and the slight widening of his eyes. He had been prepared to respect Alaric's boundaries, avoiding the topic to prevent any discomfort. But Alaric's willingness to share was unexpected and touched upon a curiosity that had been quietly building within him.

"If you're comfortable, I would be curious to hear the story behind the photograph." the topic to prevent any discomfort. But Alaric's willingness to share was unexpected and touched upon a curiosity that had been quietly building within him.

Alaric let out a gentle smile. “It is not some big secret, so you don't need to worry.” Alaric turned and grabbed the photograph from the desk and walked towards Alucard with it.

As Alaric extended the photograph for Alucard to see, the realisation struck him with a mix of surprise and recognition. There, on the left side of the photograph, was a young man who bore a striking resemblance to Alaric. Alucard's eyes widened subtly, the pieces falling into place. He hadn't noticed the resemblance before, and now, looking at the photograph, he understood why.

Alaric's words confirmed his thoughts. "The person on the left... looks quite like me." Alucard nodded slowly, his expression thoughtful. He had indeed noticed the similarity, but his sensitivity to Alaric's feelings and the desire to avoid causing any discomfort had perhaps blinded him to the obvious.

"I must admit, I hadn't realised the extent of the resemblance until now," Alucard confessed quietly. "I suppose I was trying to be cautious not to pry into any painful memories."

Alaric's gaze held a mixture of gratitude and understanding. "I appreciate your consideration, but this photo is a very old one from my family, the man on the left is my great great grandfather, and the man on the right next to him, was his greatest friend.” Alucard handed the photo back to Alaric.

With a nod of acknowledgment, Alucard watched as Alaric carefully took the photograph back. Alaric's voice carried a mixture of pride and admiration as he continued to share his family's story. Alucard listened, captivated by the narrative that unfolded.

Alaric's words painted a picture of a man who had left a profound mark on the world, a healer who had dedicated his life to saving others. Alucard could sense the weight of that legacy, the impact it had on Alaric's own aspirations and the path he had chosen. The aspiration to follow in the footsteps of such a figure was both a tribute and a challenge – a way of honouring the past while striving to create a meaningful present.

"You're continuing a remarkable tradition," Alucard remarked softly, his voice carrying a genuine respect. "To be inspired by your great-great-grandfather's dedication and to carry that forward in your own work is commendable.”

Alaric's gaze held a mixture of determination and reverence. "Thank you, Alucard. It's a responsibility I embrace, a way of honouring the legacy he left behind. I hope to make a difference in the lives of those I can help. I am sure you would also agree as you and I are the same. As you are also continuing your family legacy are you not?”

Alaric's words carried a genuine intention, but they also sparked a sense of confusion within Alucard. He looked at Alaric, his brows slightly furrowed as he tried to understand the context of what had been said. "What do you mean?" he asked, his tone reflecting his curiosity.

Alaric, noticing the confusion in Alucard's expression, quickly clarified his statement. "Oh, I didn't mean to upset you. I just thought, as you're a hunter from House Morgraine, you are also carrying on your family's legacy."

Alucard's lips curved into a thoughtful smile, his gaze holding a mixture of reflection and understanding. "It's not that I am carrying on their legacy," he explained, his voice tinged with a mix of both distance and acknowledgment. "I was not given the choice of what I wanted to do with my life. This type of work was drilled into us as soon as we could lift up a sword."

Alucard's words carried a weight that transcended their conversation. The legacy he spoke of was not one he had chosen, but one that had been imposed upon him by the circumstances of his birth and the traditions of his lineage. The life of a hunter from House Morgraine was one filled with duty, with responsibilities that often left little room for personal aspirations or desires.

Alaric's gaze held a mix of empathy and understanding, recognizing the complexity of Alucard's past. "I see," Alaric said softly. "It sounds like a path that was chosen for you, rather than one you had the freedom to decide."

Alucard's words carried a depth of emotion, a glimpse into the conflicted relationship he had with his family. Alaric listened, his expression a mix of empathy and understanding. The weight of family expectations and duty was a burden that Alucard had carried, shaping the trajectory of his life in ways he hadn't chosen for himself.

As Alucard shared the words his father had spoken to him, Alaric could feel the echoes of those sentiments reverberate in the morgue's silence. "It is our family's responsibility and duty to hold back the forces of darkness this world can throw at us, it is our job to protect those that cannot protect themselves and their loved ones." The weight of those words, the weight of that obligation, was palpable in Alucard's voice.

Alaric's gaze held a mixture of respect for Alucard's journey and a shared recognition of the complexity of familial expectations. "Such responsibilities can carry a heavy burden, especially when they're thrust upon us without choice. Why did you not just walk away from it all?”

“I did a few times but I always found myself going back to what I was good at. It's a burden I've carried for centuries.”

Alaric's brief confusion, though unnoticed by Alucard, highlighted the subtleties and misunderstandings that could arise in their conversations. As Alaric brushed off the possible misinterpretation, the depth of Alucard's age remained a secret concealed within his enigmatic persona.

Unbeknownst to Alaric, Alucard carried a past that stretched beyond the constraints of time, one that he himself struggled to fully remember. The weight of his own history was a burden he bore, a reminder that even the most significant memories could fade with the passage of time. Despite his longevity, there were chapters of his existence that had been shrouded in obscurity, lost to the annals of time.

Alaric's musings about the impermanence of memories and the inevitability of change resonated deeply with Alucard's own experiences. The moments, no matter how significant, inevitably slipped through the fingers of time, leaving behind fragments and echoes that slowly dissipated.

The fleeting moment of contemplation between Alucard and Alaric was abruptly interrupted by the sound of footsteps on the stairs, signalling the approach of an unexpected visitor. Alaric quickly resumed his seat at his desk, and Alucard turned his attention to the stairs, curious about the identity of the newcomer and the reason for their visit.

As the guard descended the stairs, a sense of curiosity and anticipation hung in the air. The guard's initial hesitation and confused demeanour were palpable as he glanced around the room, almost as if he had momentarily forgotten the purpose of his arrival. Alucard and Alaric observed this exchange, their shared gaze a silent prompt for the guard to explain his presence.

After a brief moment, the guard's realisation seemed to dawn upon him, and he shifted his focus to Alucard and Alaric, who awaited his words. With a cleared throat, the guard finally spoke, breaking the silence that had enveloped the morgue.

"Sorry for the interruption," the guard began, addressing both Alaric and Alucard. "The Lord would like to see you, Mr. Alucard. He requests an update on your investigation and how it is proceeding."

Alucard's demeanour remained composed as he acknowledged the guard's message. "Of course," he replied, his tone carrying a sense of readiness. He turned to Alaric, a gentle nod conveying both understanding and a promise to continue their conversation at a later time.

Alaric returned the nod, his expression holding a mix of encouragement and acknowledgment. "We'll pick up where we left off," he said, a reassurance that their discussions about family and legacy would remain suspended in the air, waiting for the opportunity to be revisited.

As Alucard prepared to leave, he offered a parting smile to Alaric before following the guard's lead back up the stairs.

The journey from the morgue to the Lord's Manor was swift, with the guard accompanying Alucard until they reached the imposing front door. The guard's guidance was clear as he pointed Alucard down the hallway toward the Lord's study.

"Thank you," Alucard acknowledged with a nod, his steps steady as he walked down the long corridor that was adorned with portraits of the family members he had encountered during his previous visits. The grandeur of the manor was a stark contrast to the sombre atmosphere of the morgue, and Alucard moved through the opulent surroundings with a sense of familiarity.

As he walked, Alucard couldn't help but notice the housekeepers working diligently around him. Their hushed whispers and sudden silence as he passed by were clear indications that his presence was being noticed. He caught a glimpse of their reddened faces, an expression that suggested he had stumbled upon an unexpected or perhaps amusing moment.

Alucard continued down the hallway, his footsteps echoing against the polished floors. The delicate balance between the formality of the manor and the underlying human interactions added a layer of complexity to his interactions. He approached the door to the Lord's study, and gave a gentle knock, from the other side of the door you hear “Come in.” Alucard opened the doors and walked into the study, there at his desk was Davos, amongst piles of paperwork he was going over.

The Lord's study welcomed Alucard with an air of quiet dignity, the room adorned with rich furnishings and the trappings of authority. As he entered, the Lord acknowledged him with a nod, his attention momentarily diverted by the demands of his work. "Ah, Alucard, come have a seat. I will be with you in one moment, as you can see, a Lord's work is never done."

Alucard's gaze swept across the room, taking in the various documents and maps that lay scattered across the Lord's desk. He understood the weight of responsibility that came with the title, the myriad decisions and matters that demanded attention. His response was respectful and understanding. "Of course, my Lord. Take your time."

As Alucard took his seat in the Lord's study, he observed Davos engrossed in his administrative tasks. The Lord's focus was on what appeared to be employee contracts and payment plans, and Alucard noted that Davos was taking the time to revise the agreed-upon amounts, often increasing them by a small margin. Despite the challenges facing the town due to the reduced trading activity in recent years, Davos was diligently ensuring that those under his care were being looked after to the best of his ability.

As he waited for Davos to finish his current task, Alucard's thoughts drifted once more to the conversations he had shared with Alaric. The themes of family, legacy, and the paths they had chosen lingered in his mind.

Alucard's reminiscence took him back to his own past, to a time when he had resisted the path that had been set out for him as a hunter. He recalled the courtyard outside his home, where his family's training sessions had taken place. His father's instructions to his older brother, the determination of fellow recruits, and the presence of his sisters, all formed vivid memories. The image of that scene remained etched in his mind, a snapshot from a life that had shaped him in ways he had come to embrace.

While his initial reluctance had coloured his perception of his role as a hunter, he had eventually found a sense of purpose in the path he walked. The memories he held were a testament to the complexities of family, the dynamics of shared experiences, and the choices that ultimately defined one's journey and the tragedies that fell before him in his life, a great pain to relieve even to this very day.

Davos's voice broke through Alucard's reverie, pulling him back from his reflections on the past. The sudden shift in focus brought his attention fully to the present moment. "All done, finally," Davos remarked, the weight of his responsibilities momentarily lifted as he addressed Alucard.

Alucard's gaze returned to Davos, his posture attentive as he listened to the Lord's words. The mention of the investigation brought the context of their current meeting back into sharp focus. Davos continued, his words carrying a sense of understanding and respect for the importance of Alucard's work.

"Now, Alucard, I hope not to intrude on how everything is going," Davos began, his tone thoughtful. "I understand that this type of work is very important to you, and you have your own way of handling everything."

Alucard nodded in acknowledgment, appreciating Davos's consideration and acknowledgment of his approach to the investigation. The conversation took a more direct turn as Davos conveyed his hope for updates or leads regarding the ongoing investigation. The gravity of the situation was evident in the Lord's expression, and Alucard understood the importance of providing any insights of what could have happened to his son and everyone else.

As Alucard shared the progress of the investigation with Davos, the Lord's attentive expression indicated his keen interest in the matter at hand. Alucard's words conveyed the methodical nature of his approach and the collaboration with Alaric, shedding light on the depth of their efforts.

"It’s coming along slowly, I'm afraid," Alucard began, his tone measured. "I have spent a good amount of time with Alaric, going over all of the victims and how they were killed, trying to see if there were any patterns before the first killing started."

Davos's reaction was one of concern, his brow furrowing as he processed the information. The mention of patterns and the possibility that the threat might have been present before the initial killings had an unsettling effect. "Before the first killings?" Davos inquired, his tone reflecting his apprehension. "Do you think it was here before then?"

Alucard's response was thoughtful, his voice carrying a sense of caution as he weighed his words. "I cannot say for certain, my Lord. Some monsters have various motivations for their actions – hunger, fear, rage. Some even kill for sport. I wanted to rule out the possibility of some attacks being random acts. By examining the patterns, we can better understand the nature of the threat."

The conversation took a sombre turn as Davos's voice trembled with sorrow and pain. "What of my son?" he asked, his emotions evident. "Was my son's death just that? An action of randomness. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time?"

Alucard's response was measured, his tone carrying a weight of understanding for the Lord's anguish. "I cannot give you an answer at the moment," he began, his voice a mixture of empathy and regret. "I regret to inform you that I have not yet looked at your son's body."

Davos's expression shifted to one of surprise, his gaze fixed on Alucard. "Why not, may I ask?"

Alucard's gaze held steady, his words chosen with care. "I have not yet gone to see your wife to get her permission, as you asked me to do before I started. I was hoping to avoid upsetting her even more."

Davos's features softened as he absorbed Alucard's explanation. The complexity of the situation, the need for sensitivity in the face of grief, was evident in the Lord's expression. "I appreciate your consideration, Alucard," he said, his voice carrying a mix of gratitude and understanding. "My wife has been through enough already. But I do applaud you for going to go see her, I believe you will help put her at ease even for just a bit, and hopefully bring her back just ever slightly.

Alucard's nod of acknowledgement reflected his understanding of the difficult situation faced not only by Davos but also by his grieving wife. The weight of their loss was palpable, and Alucard recognized the importance of approaching the matter with sensitivity and care.

As he waited, a contemplative silence settled between them. Alucard pondered whether to share the unusual findings he had uncovered during the autopsy of the young Elven girl. While the information might provide insight, he also considered the timing and the potential impact it could have on Davos, who was already grappling with a great deal. On the other hand, Davos might possess knowledge or perspectives that could shed light on the evidence.

After a moment's reflection, Alucard decided to broach the subject cautiously. "My Lord," he began, his tone respectful, "during the autopsy of the young Elven girl, the one you thought your son may have been seeing in secret.”

“Oh yes, did you find out what happened to the poor girl? Her death was shocking and still unknown how she passed away?”

"During the autopsy," Alucard began, his tone measured, "I found something, something I have not seen in a really long time. And it was the reason why Alaric did not find any evidence about it; he would have never seen this type before."

Davos's expression shifted to one of confusion, his brow furrowing as he attempted to grasp the nature of Alucard's discovery. "What is it? What did you find?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Alucard's response was straightforward, his words carrying a sense of certainty. "She was poisoned," he stated bluntly.

Alucard's response was straightforward, his tone carrying a sense of gravity. "The poison I found is one called Endless Night."

Davos's reaction was a mixture of surprise and contemplation, his expression reflecting his attempt to process the information. As he leaned back in his chair, he seemed to grapple with the significance of what he had just heard. "Endless Night," he repeated, his voice thoughtful as he repeated the name. His muttering indicated his internal deliberations as he attempted to recall any knowledge he might possess about such a poison.

"I am sorry, Mr. Alucard," Davos began, his tone apologetic. "I don’t know about that poison. I don't think I have ever heard of such a name before in my life."

"Nor should you," Alucard replied, his voice carrying a weight of history and significance.

Davos's confusion was evident in his response. "I don't understand?"

Alucard proceeded to shed light on the mysterious poison known as Endless Night. "Endless Night was a very common poison that was used by people over centuries ago," he explained, his tone measured. "Its method of creating such a poison faded away through the passing of time. No one should know how to create such a deadly poison anymore; it can go almost entirely undetected."

"You mean to say that this poison has resurfaced after all this time?" he inquired, his voice soft but with a worried tone.

"I don't think so. I don't believe that the poison itself has resurfaced. The method of creating such a deadly weapon could have been passed down to someone from a friend or family member."

Davos absorbed Alucard's explanation, his expression reflecting a thoughtful consideration of the implications. "So, you're suggesting that the knowledge of creating the poison has been preserved through generations, rather than the poison itself?"

Yes, my Lord. It's possible that the methods to create the poison were kept hidden or passed down secretly, leading to its reappearance."

Davos's expression remained a mixture of concern and realisation. "Even if what you say is true, the bigger question remains – why would anyone want to harm the poor girl in such a way? It is unimaginable. Who would do this and why?"

Davos's voice carried a note of frustration and sadness. "I cannot fathom what kind of person would resort to such cruelty."

Alucard's response was solemn. "Unfortunately, the world can be a place of darkness, there are creatures and people like that who just want to watch the world burn.”

Davos's gratitude for Alucard's information was evident in his words, his tone carrying a sense of appreciation. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Alucard. If you would like, I can have my men start searching the town for any evidence leading to this poison."

Alucard's response was measured, his tone carrying a note of caution. "No, that won't be needed, thank you. I believe that whoever poisoned the young girl may not be aware of what I have discovered. They could still be watching, and I do not want to tip my hand just yet."

Davos's agreement was swift, his understanding evident in his response. "Of course, you are right. We should keep this information to ourselves for now. I can inform the Guard captain as well, so he can keep an eye out for anything that is out of the ordinary?"

Alucard considered the proposal before nodding in agreement. "That will be fine, but please convey to him the importance of discretion."

Davos's commitment was unwavering. "Of course. I will deliver the message to him personally, ensuring that he understands the sensitivity of the situation."

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, both Alucard and Davos turned and looked, the door slowly moved open, and stood by the door was Ezrin, she looked like she had been crying, her eyes were red and face gone a bit puffy, with a bit of a whimper of a voice she spoke.

The unexpected interruption brought a shift in the atmosphere within the room. As a knock echoed through the space, both Alucard and Davos turned their attention toward the door. It creaked open slowly, revealing Ezrin standing there with an appearance that spoke of distress – her red eyes and puffy face clear signs of recent tears. Her voice, a mere whimper, carried a sense of vulnerability as she made her request.

"Sorry to interrupt you, Father," Ezrin began, her voice soft and shaky, "but would it be okay if I go to the morgue?"

Davos's concern was immediate and palpable. He rushed over to his daughter's side, his tone gentle yet filled with worry. "Ezrin," he said, his voice reflecting his empathy, "why would you want to go there?"

Ezrin's gaze met her father's, her tear-filled eyes communicating a depth of emotion that words alone could not convey. In that moment, realisation seemed to dawn on Davos, and his expression shifted from concern to deep sorrow. "Oh, my poor baby girl," he murmured, pulling her into an embrace. "I am so sorry. You haven't seen him, have you?"

Ezrin's response was a soft, sorrowful whimper as she clung to her father. "I would like to say goodbye to him, please, Father."

Davos's immediate reassurance was accompanied by a promise. "Of course you can. I will have some of the guards take you there, okay?"

"Thank you," Ezrin replied, her voice fragile, her gratitude evident despite her grief.

However, her tone shifted as she turned her attention to Alucard, addressing him directly. "Oh, I almost forgot. I have a message for you, too, Mr. Alucard."

Alucard looked shocked, he was unaware that someone would be leaving him messages and left a long with the Lord’s daughter herself, who could it have been from he pondered the question. Even Lord Davos was a bit taken aback by the sudden events.

“Of course Lady Ezrin, may I ask who this message is from?” replied Alucard as he was a bit at a loss.

Ezrin's words hung in the air, laden with significance. "It's from my mother. She would like to see you if that is okay with you?"

Alucard's reaction was a mixture of surprise and contemplation. The unexpected nature of the request caught him off guard. He understood the necessity of speaking with Ezrin's mother to gain permission to examine the body of her son, the young lord. However, the notion that she herself wanted to meet with him raised a multitude of questions. Why did she wish to see him? What could she possibly hope to gain from their conversation? The gravity of the situation was not lost on him, considering the pain and despair she must have been feeling after losing her son.

His mind raced, considering the various possibilities that could be tied to this meeting. Was she seeking information about the murders? Or did her request hold a different purpose altogether? Alucard understood that this was an opportunity he couldn't pass up.

Alucard's gaze met Ezrin's, a mixture of determination and empathy in his eyes. "I would be honoured to speak with your mother, Lady Ezrin," he replied, his tone gentle yet.

Davos's concerned smile conveyed his understanding of the significance of this meeting for Alucard. The Lord had wanted Alucard to speak with his wife, but the unexpected personal request had clearly surprised him. In response to Ezrin's request, Davos suggested that they all go together, a decision that Alucard agreed with, understanding the importance of this meeting.

The trio moved in solemn silence, each step echoing the gravity of the situation. The journey through the manor's hallways was sombre, the weight of grief and unanswered questions pressing upon them.

Finally, they arrived at the entrance to the manor. Davos called over one of the guards stationed by the door, his voice hushed as he whispered something into the man's ear. The guard's response was swift and efficient, his acknowledgment of Lord Davos's instructions clear. "Understood, my Lord," he replied, his voice low. He turned his attention to Ezrin, addressing her gently. "Would you please follow me, Miss Ezrin? I will take you to where you want to go, but you will need to hide your face. We cannot have anyone see you going there as it will raise questions."

Ezrin's agreement was silent but evident as she nodded her head. She accepted the long black hooded cloak that would conceal her completely, effectively shielding her identity from prying eyes.

As Ezrin prepared to depart with the guard, Davos shared one last hug with his daughter, a poignant moment laden with unspoken emotions.

Davos then turned to Alucard, ready to lead him to his wife. "Right this way, Alucard. I will take you to my wife."

Alucard followed Lord Davos as they ascended the grand staircase, its lavish design and opulence a stark contrast to the sombre atmosphere that had hung over the manor earlier. It was a part of the manor that Alucard had never explored before, and he couldn't help but be struck by the beauty that surrounded him.

The second floor of the manor was adorned with exquisite artwork that adorned the walls, each piece a testament to the artistic sensibilities of the Lord and his family.

Vases of fresh flowers were strategically placed, their delicate fragrances adding a touch of natural beauty to the already elegant surroundings.

Davos led Alucard to a small door on the second floor and paused, ensuring that his wife would not be startled by their arrival. He opened the door slowly, and as it creaked open, they were greeted by the sight of Lady Lyla resting in her bed. Her gaze was fixed outside the window, her eyes tracing the expanse of the sky. The sun's warm rays bathed her in a soft, ethereal light, illuminating her features with a radiant glow. Her scarlet hair shone like a cascade of fiery silk, a striking contrast to the gentle, serene expression on her face.

Alucard couldn't help but be captivated by her presence. Lady Lyla seemed to possess an otherworldly beauty, one that transcended the boundaries of the ordinary. In that moment, as he observed her in the soft, golden light, the family portrait Alucard had seen just before Davos Study did not do her beauty justice.

In the serene atmosphere of her room, it was impossible to discern what occupied Lady Lyla's thoughts. Perhaps she was reminiscing about her past or, more likely, thinking of her late son, Erin. Without directly asking Alucard would never know, nor would he even ask.

Lady Lyla was not alone in her room; two housemaids were in attendance, diligently ensuring her well-being and comfort. Their presence spoke to the care and support that surrounded her during this difficult time, a testament to the bonds of family and the dedication of those who served the manor.

As Lady Lyla turned her gaze away from the window and looked toward Davos and Alucard, her serene and gentle smile seemed to hold a captivating power. Her presence radiated a sense of grace and warmth, and Alucard couldn't help but be struck by her extraordinary spirit. It was evident that she was a person of great significance, and the weight of the pain she had endured weighed on Alucard's mind.

Davos approached the bed, addressing her with a tenderness that spoke volumes about their connection. "My beloved," he said in a soft, gentle tone, "This lovely gentleman is Alucard. Ezrin told us that you wished to speak with him." Lyla's gaze met Alucard's, her eyes seemingly drawn to him with an air of curiosity. Her initial impression was one of surprise, as Alucard defied easy categorization, appearing neither young nor old, his age an enigmatic mystery. Yet, the enigma of his presence seemed to only deepen her gentle smile.

She spoke in a soft tone. “Thank you Davos” she said as he held his hand. “But if you don’t mind, I would like to Speak with Mr Alucard alone.” Davos looked around the room with a concerned look on his face, the other housemaids in the room also were a bit taken aback by the request, they were unsure what to do. After a moment Lady

Lyla looked at each of them. “Oh come now, I will be fine, you don't need to worry. If you like, you can stand right outside the door.”

“No that will be fine, don't worry my love, we will leave you and Alucard in peace” Davos gestured to the housemaids and the both followed behind Davos and he left the room closing the door behind him.

As the door closed behind them, the room seemed to shrink, enveloping Alucard and Lady Lyla in a cocoon of privacy. The significance of this meeting weighed heavily on Alucard's mind as he stood before her, ready to listen to whatever she wished to share.

Lyla's serene and gentle demeanour persisted, her radiant smile seemingly untouched by the weight of her recent loss and the mysteries that surrounded it. She regarded Alucard with a kind and understanding gaze, her scarlet hair like a crown of flames in the soft light of the room.

“Would you please take a seat Mr Alucard?” Said Lyla as she guessed to one of the chairs close to her bed, Alucard gave a gentle nod and walked over taking a seat just at the edge of the bed facing the window, he could feel the warm rays heating his back throw his leather armour. The warm rays of sunlight streamed through the window, casting a gentle, comforting glow in the room.

Alucard was anxious, he was not sure what she was going to ask him, but he was certain she would ask him for answers about what happened to her son answers he did not have, he was worried this would bring her more pain and retreat into a deep depression that she may never escape from even with answers later on.

“So Mr Alucard, would you be so kind and tell me a bit about yourself would you? If that is not too much trouble for you?”

Alucard was a bit surprised by the request, he was not sure why she would want to know about himself, surely she would have heard all of this information from Ezrin or even Eugine. Alucard was not one for sharing information about his past as someone who has lived many lifetimes and gone through more pain than anyone should ever have, talking about his past was a subject he avoided with every option he had and this too was one of the moments.

"I am sorry, Lady Lyla," Alucard began, his tone gentle but firm, "but if it is alright with you, I would like to avoid that particular subject. I don't mean to show you any disrespect."

Lyla, however, was undeterred by Alucard's reluctance. Her words conveyed a sense of loneliness and longing for connection, and she implored him to indulge her curiosity. “Oh come now Mr Alucard. Would you please humble a poor woman, I don’t get many

visitors as you may have guessed, and I don't leave the manor grounds anymore, so you are the first new face I have seen and spoken to in quite some time.”

Alucard was not too keen on sharing his history with people but for some reason he felt at ease with Lady Lyla ``My name is Alucard Morgraine of the great house Morgraine my family and I dedicated are lives to fighting and destroying the creators of the night and hell's demons, my families line has been around longer than even I know of. I don't know how far back my family history covers. My father was called Daruis Morgraine and my mother Julia Morgraine.”

Lady Lyla listened intently to Alucard's words, and as he spoke of his lineage, her eyes gleamed with curiosity. His voice held a mixture of pride and reverence as he spoke about his family's legacy.

"Alucard Morgraine," she echoed his name thoughtfully. "A name that carries a history as rich and mysterious as the night itself. It's an honour to meet a guardian of such an ancient lineage. I imagine your family's dedication to protecting this world has been both a burden and a source of pride."

Alucard felt a bit uneasy with hoe Lady Lyla saw him, as some guardian angel sent here to protected the world from all its wicked deeds, it's true what Alucard did was for the better of everyone, but Alcuard at times hated his work as it was also the course of such great pain he has endured in his life.

“Did you have any brothers and sisters?” Lady Lyla asked. Alucard's face turned sombre; it was not a story he talked about or wanted to share. “If it's ok with you my Lady, can we talk about something else?”

Lady Lyla picked up on the somberness in Alucard's expression, and she quickly realised her question had touched upon a sensitive subject. Her own eyes softened with understanding.

"My apologies, Mr. Alucard," she said gently. "I didn't mean to pry. You've already shared so much with me today, and I'm grateful for the conversation.

Alucard nodded, appreciating her consideration. He was eager to change the topic “Can you tell me something new about this world we live in Mr Alucard?” Asked Lady Lyla as she let out a gentle smile “As you know I was always fond of my studies and finding out new information about anything and everything. And I am sure with your vast knowledge of the world you could share something with me.”

Alucard was not quite sure what he could tell her. It was true he had knowledge of many things about the very world and the creatures that lived within it, but he was not sure what Lady Lyla would find very interesting.

"What subject would you like to explore?" Alucard inquired, gently probing for her preferences. "Is there anything in particular that you find uniquely fascinating?"

As he spoke, a thought occurred to him, an idea he believed she would find utterly captivating. “Oh I don't know, something that unit and amazing.” replied Lady Lyla.

“Ok then. Tell me Lyla, have you ever heard of the forever corridor?”

"The Forever Corridor?" Lady Lyla's expression shifted from shock to intense curiosity. "No, I have not heard of it. Please, do tell me more."

Alucard continued, his words weaving a tale of wonder. "This is something very few people believe in and even less believe it to be real. It is said that within our world, there are connections that transcend both the boundaries of the universe and time itself. Invisible threads that link not just our world but every world together. As humans, we are already aware of the existence of a few other worlds, such as the demonic and elemental realms from which witches and mages draw their magic to cast spells. We've also heard of cultists who perform ritual sacrifices to summon demons, or even bind a demon's soul to an object in our world to command their dark powers."

Alucard paused for a moment, letting the mystique of his words weave its spell. It was working. Lady Lyla had inched closer to him, her eyes bright with curiosity and anticipation. Her eagerness reminded him of a child eagerly crawling into their parent's lap, ready to be enchanted by a bedtime story.

"It is said that if one could harness such incredible magical power, it might be possible to open a door to the corridor."

Lady Lyla leaned in closer, her eyes filled with wonder. "Has anyone ever seen this corridor? Have you witnessed such a place?"

Alucard's gaze held a hint of mystery as he responded. "Even with the vast information stored in the great Morgraine Library, we have so little information about it that I can't say for certain if such a place truly exists. However, I did come across a very old diary in my family's library."

"Whose diary was it? Did it belong to one of your ancestors?" Lady Lyla asked eagerly.

"No, it wasn't from one of my family members," Alucard replied. "I couldn't determine the author, but it's believed to have once belonged to an explorer over 800 years ago. In his diary, he wrote about finding himself within the Forever Corridor. He walked for

what felt like lifetimes but didn't age. He described seeing worlds of dreams, places untouched by humanity, and others as barren wastelands. He saw enormous metal boxes rising from the ground and flying through the sky. And Towers made from metal and glass so tall they could touch the very heavens themselves.

The room seemed to hold its breath as Lady Lyla hung onto Alucard's every word. Her eyes sparkled with fascination.

"He spoke of trees that bore fruit unlike anything he'd ever seen, and creatures that defied imagination. He even mentioned meeting beings of light and darkness, who shared tales of other worlds and the mysteries of existence."

Lady Lyla was entranced, her imagination ignited by the vivid descriptions. "And did he ever find a way out of this corridor?"

“One of his entries told that he found himself back within the world once more, he did not understand how or why it happened. But he had felt like he had lost so much returning home. Time itself had barely moved. It was reported he was only missing for a few days, but what felt like life's times for him.

“Did he ever find his way back to the endless corridor?” asked Lady Lyla, completely taken back by the story.

“According to the diary he did not, he was unsure how he arrived there in the first place and was unsure how to return, but not for the lack of trying, "The diary ended abruptly, as if the explorer couldn't find his way back or perhaps chose not to. The last entry simply said, 'I have glimpsed infinity, but whether it's a blessing or a curse, I no longer know.'"

Lady Lyla sat back, her mind filled with the fantastical images Alucard had painted for her. "Oh, Mr. Alucard, you've given me a most extraordinary story. Thank you. I have not smiled like this in such a long time.”

“It was my pleasure to talk with you Lady Lyla and to share my stories and knowledge with you.” Alucard paused for a moment, he felt happy, a feeling all too rare for Alucard as of late.

Lady Lyla leaned back comfortably in her chair, a glimmer of curiosity in her eyes. "I can only imagine the places you've been, the people you've met, and the incredible sights you've witnessed in your travels.

Alucard pondered for a moment, thinking about his long and eventful life, and yet there was still so much he did not understand and wanted to see “It is true that I have travelled all over the place, but yet even I have not seen all of the world and its wonders, they are yet to be discovered for me.”

“Oh really” replied Lady Lyla, a bit surprised by his answer. What is it that you would still like to see? If you don't mind me asking.”

"There is a place far, far to the east of this world," he began, "beyond the endless sea of sands and past the towering eastern sea wall. It is a land untouched by the passage of time, a realm where legends come to life. They say there is a large continent, hidden from the eyes of most, inhabited by people of great kindness and a profound connection to the old powers of the world itself. In their land, they do not speak of spirits and demons as we do. Instead, they have a term for them, calling them Yokai."

As he continued, Lady Lyla listened intently, hanging on every word. Alucard wove a vivid tale of the Yokai of the distant eastern continent. These Yokai, he explained, were not the malevolent spirits some feared, but beings deeply intertwined with the natural world, serving as guardians and guides to those who walked the ancient paths.

"These Yokai," he continued, "are believed to possess a harmony with the elements and creatures of their land. They can be as playful as a spring breeze, or as fierce as a raging tempest, depending on the circumstances. Yet, their essence is an embodiment of balance, ensuring that their realm remains untouched by chaos and discord."

Alucards story painted a vivid picture of a land where humans and Yokai coexisted, forming a bond between the two worlds. Lady Lyla found herself transported to this distant place, where the supernatural and the natural walked hand in hand. The Alucards words, like a brush dipped in vivid colours, brought to life the enigmatic spirit of the Yokai.

"The prospect of a journey to the distant eastern continent, where Yokai held sway over the land, filled Lady Lyla's heart with a sense of wonder and excitement. 'That place sounds like something out of a dream,' she mused, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. 'I hope if you ever go to such a place that you would come back here and tell me about all your grand adventures.'

Alucard smiled warmly, touched by Lady Lyla's enthusiasm and her faith in his wanderlust. He remained in silent contemplation, a world of possibilities and uncharted realms unfurling before his mind's eye. In that moment, the distant land of Yokai Set, hidden beyond the horizon of the known world, felt closer than ever, a place where dreams could intertwine with reality.

Lady Lyla interrupted Alucard's silence by speaking, jerking him back to the room with Lady Lyla. “I understand Alucard that there is a matter you wish to discuss with me, but I fear that you are all too afraid to bring it up in case you cause me pain. Am I right?”

Alucard, recognizing her perceptiveness, nodded slightly. "You are astute, Lady Lyla. There is indeed a matter I need to discuss with you, a matter that pertains to your family's recent loss." He paused for a moment before continuing. "I have been investigating the tragic events that have befallen your family, and I wanted to request your permission to examine your son's body.”

Lady Lyla's expression remained calm, and she seemed to take the news with a quiet determination. "I appreciate your honesty, Mr. Alucard," she responded. “Did you know? When I was younger, I wanted to become a great healer.” Said Lady Lyla, changing the subject abruptly.

“I came from a family of magic users. We could not tap into the great magic like other mages and sorcerers, but what we could use helped us in our daily lives, we were very happy. But I wanted more, I wanted to see if I could become a great and powerful sorcerer to hone my skills and become a great healer.”

Alucard had become very interested in Lady Lyla’s story, so interested in fact he had learned closer to her to hear the rest of the story.

“So I left my home town, and my family, hoping to craft my skills. I wandered from place to place studying everything I could about the properties of healing spells, herbs from the druids and so much more, anything to do with healing and its power. I even went to one of the great magic schools to help and improve my own magic abilities.” Lady Lyla let out a gentle smile and she looked outside the window, the sunlight shining ever so brightly on her face gave off a radiant glow.

Lady Lyla continued with her story, her voice soft and filled with fond memories. "Not long after I had finished school, I left to explore the world, hoping to see all it had to offer and help people with my healing skills. After two years of travelling, I found myself in this small town.” Her smile grew warmer. “I was not planning on staying here for long, only a few days at most. But on my second night, I came across such an interesting and handsome man selling cabbages."

Alucard couldn't help but return her smile. He knew exactly who she was talking about, as Davos had shared the same story of his humble beginnings, moving from place to place, pulling his small wagon filled with cabbages.

Lyla's eyes twinkled with nostalgia as she continued, “And that interesting man turned out to be none other than Davos. He had such a charisma about him, I was immediately drawn to him. We talked and laughed for hours, and by the end of the night, it felt like we had known each other for a lifetime. Little did I know that meeting him would change the course of my life."

"Indeed," Alucard replied, a knowing glint in his eye. "The most unexpected meetings often lead to the most profound changes."

Lady Lyla let out a soft laugh, her face radiating warmth. "You're quite right, Mr. Alucard. After our serendipitous encounter, I never left this town, and I never returned to my studies. Love, it seems, has a way of altering one's path."

Alucard's eyes held a sense of understanding as he nodded. "Love does indeed hold a unique power to change our lives."

“It was not long after that, that I was told having children would be very difficult for me, but just like some miracle I had my beloved son, but yet with some cruel twisted fate I have also lost him, and with all my powers of healing I could do nothing to help him.” Lady Lyla fought back her tears. “You have my permission to examine my son's body. Mr Alucard. I want you to do everything within your power to bring the one who is responsible for this to justice.”

Alucard's voice held a deep sense of empathy as he replied, "I'm truly sorry for your loss, Lady Lyla. I will get to the bottom of this tail one way or another.

Alcuard sat up from his seat and started to leave Lady Lyla's room, but before he could reach the door Lady Lyla spoke once more. “Alucard” she said with a commanding tone. Alcuard turned around. “I don't know how he is involved but I am sure he has something to do with it.”

Alucard did not need to ask who she was talking about. Alucard knew full well she was talking about Father Maxwell. The head of the church, the eternal flame. Alucard nodded his head and left Lady Lyla opening the door and leaving the room.

To read the latest chapter (Chapter 7) of this riveting digital novel click here.