Bayside Podcast: Rewilding with David Woodfall

April 18, 2019 - 2193 views

Ahead of a special and unique show at Theatr Colwyn, Bayside Radio's Jeff Pearson meets Naturalist and Conservationist David Woodfall to discuss a concept called 'Rewilding'.

Rewilding has become the key talking point in the modern conservation movement. But it’s commonly misunderstood as a campaign to fill the forests with lynxes, wolves and bears, when in fact the ethos guiding the British rewilding movement is much more nuanced, and much broader in scope. It’s also much more complicated, requiring an in-depth understanding of the complexity of regional ecosystems.

David has spent years working in the countryside, meeting the people on the frontline of rewilding and collecting their stories and photographing wildlife. Woodfall’s stunning nature photography offers an in-depth understanding of an essential Rewilding movement and the people leading it.

Spending over 22 years photographing nature, BBC Wildlife has described him as ‘the poet laureate of British and Irish landscapes'.

He has won a number of international awards including category winners in the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Awards and in Natures Best (USA). Both his books, Natural Heartlands and Flowers at my Feet have been highly commended in the Natural History Book of the Year Awards.

On Saturday 20th April, Theatr Colwyn present a unique collaboration combining the photography of David Woodfall with new music from the celebrated Welsh jazz pianist Huw Warren.