February 14, 2020 - 1461 views
The Conwy and Denbighshire Public Services Board (PSB) has launched a Community Green Pledges initiative to help community groups and organisations make changes which could have a positive impact on the environment.
The pledges aim to recognise positive contributions by awarding a bronze, silver, gold or platinum pledge status to proudly display.
To help support this priority, and make a difference locally, the PSB has developed a Community Green Pledge initiative which identifies 5 Green Pledges that community groups and organisations can make to reduce their impact on the environment.
Each pledge includes suggestions and guidance on things which can make a difference – from saving energy, reducing waste to saving money.
This scheme is free and open to anyone to join - such as community groups, sports clubs, villages, towns, charities, businesses and social enterprises.
Find out more by visiting - www.conwyanddenbighshirepsb.org.uk/community-green-pledges